HCI - the study, planning, design and use of the interfaces between people and computers.
- Controller
- Mouse and Keyboard
- Touch
- Joystick
Not all games solely exist on one platform. e.g. MineCraft originally was on PC but is now on Phones/Tablets and PS/XBOX. The difference for the player is they were used to playing with a controller and then started playing PC, the player would find it significantly harder as they would not know the PC controls as well as they do the controller.
PS/XBOX and PC share a lot of games such as Call of Duty, i have played all 3 games on both consoles and in my opinion there is no difference between the platforms.

PC - Phone
the only game that I know of that is on PC and Phones is Minecraft, there are a few differences between the platforms, on PC you can mod the game, change your character skin and change the texture. another major difference between the 2 is that the Minecraft PE (Pocket Edition) has a limited world, the world is restricted to 256x256 blocks

PC - Phone
the only game that I know of that is on PC and Phones is Minecraft, there are a few differences between the platforms, on PC you can mod the game, change your character skin and change the texture. another major difference between the 2 is that the Minecraft PE (Pocket Edition) has a limited world, the world is restricted to 256x256 blocks
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