Tuesday 25 November 2014

Maze game client brief 1

Maze Game


The customer wants an educational maths maze game.

The design brief says that the maze games’ main character is called ‘Brainbox’ who solves math puzzles with increasing difficulty. There must be 5 levels each one harder than the one before.

The target audience is GCSE maths students.



Sprites that we need are Brainbox, Mobs and the Math Questions.

Sound that I may need are background music and a death tone.

There must be 5 levels in the game

The most important element of the game is the math puzzles



By the end of this lesson I want to have completed my main character and hopefully 1 level of the maze game.

We have 4 weeks to create this game

I can breakdown the tasks by creating a schedule which shows what I will complete each week.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Unit 78 - Exercise (Legal and Ethical Considerations)

Unit 78 Digital Graphics for Computer Games

Legal & Ethical Considerations

“The UK copyright law fact sheet outlines the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, the principal legislation covering intellectual property rights in the United Kingdom and the work to which it applies.”

The types of work that can be protected by copyright are:

·         Literary – Song lyrics, Computer programs, leaflets, newsletters and articles.

·         Dramatic – Plays, Dance, etc.

·         Musical – Recordings and score

·         Artistic – Photos, paintings, sculptures, etc..

·         Typographical arrangement of published editions – Magazines, periodicals, etc.

·         Sound recordings – May be recording of other copyright works, e.g. musical and literary

·         Film – video footage, films and broadcasts.

What is Libel?

Libel is another word for slander, defamation and giving someone a bad name whether it’s an individual person, business, product, group, government, religion or nation.

4 essential elements to defamation/Libel

·         The accusation is false

·         It impeaches the subjects character

·         Published to a third person

·         Causes damage to the persons reputation

How are female characters represented in video games?

The way females are represented in video games can be classed at sexist, as in a lot of video games where you can play as female characters they may be slightly revealed, but you can argue whether games are sexist to females because in some games females are not represented as feminine, such as Lara Croft in Tomb Raider, she is shown as both physically and mentally strong.

Unit 78 Concept Art Exercise

What it is Graphic Specification - Unit 78

Unit 78
What is Graphics Specification
There are four main visual styles which are Photorealistic, Cel-Shaded, abstract and exaggeration. Photorealistic games are games that are life like and look like a real photograph For example GTA. Abstract employs lots of lines and geometric shapes like geometry wars. Cel shaded is when the texture of an object is made to look like a comic book. 

Cel shading is a non-photorealistic rendered style of games which make the game look like it’s been hand drawn. Cel shading is mostly used to make games look cartoony such as Borderlands and World of Warcraft, even though they are not the same genre of game they have the same style.
Photo realistic graphics are used in styles of games like Military games. It is the most difficult and demanding visual style out of the other styles. The most popular games that use photorealism are Call of Duty, GTA and Halo.
This style is roughly based photorealism, but most attributes have been enhanced such as ridiculously muscly characters or outrageous hairstyles. The best examples of exaggerated games are Tekken and Final Fantasy.
Abstract is one of the most unique visual styles as with an abstract game it doesn’t tend to look like any other style of game. Many abstract games use bright colours while some have very elusive colours. The best example of an abstract game is geometry wars


What are Computer Game Graphics - Unit 78

Unit 78 - Digital Graphics for Computer Games - P2
What are computer game graphics?
Computer Game Graphics are several point which make up the game, which include Pixel Art, Concept Art, Texture Art.
I will briefly describe some of the points.
Pixel Art:
It is a form of digital art, it is created through the use of raster graphics, where the images are editing on pixel level. This is mostly used on old computer games and mobile phone games.
When pixel art is at too high of a resolution it becomes to look blocky or pixellated, this is called pixellation.
Concept Art:
It is a form of illustration used to carry an idea for use in films, games, animation or comic books before it is put into the final product. Concept art is also known as visual development
Texture Art:
It is the element of arts that gives the way it looks and feels, in this case the texture art of a video game such as Call of Duty: Black Ops would be old, grungy, dirty and military styled.